Equity Italy
The wide-ranging stock market
Access, quote and research with highly specialised teams
As financial analysts, we study Italian listed companies, their historical performance and future prospects in order to assess them and help institutional and professional investors, like portfolio managers, make informed investment decisions. Our equity research is not limited to examining the more “micro” aspects, but also tries to capture the impact that macro trends can have on the prospects of the companies analysed. We write reports on companies already listed (secondary market) and on companies in the process of being listed (IPO/primary market).
We produce fundamental research on around 100 Italian listed companies as an Equity research team. Our equity coverage encompasses the companies from the FTSE MIB index and a significant number of mid and small cap, with the covered companies’ market value accounting equal to approximately 90% of total Italian market capitalisation.
For each company, we create and update the assessment file, set a target price and issue a recommendation. Technical analysis is a useful complement to fundamental analysis.
Our research is aimed at institutional investors and is produced in the form of company reports on individual securities at major corporate events, with daily updates published before the markets open, and studies focused on topical issues affecting individual listed stocks. In addition to analysing listed companies also in execution of Specialist, Sponsor and Corporate broker mandates, we work in synergy with Investment banking on studies supporting IPOs.
ESN’s business model combines financial research on 370 listed companies in Europe, carried out by several teams of local analysts, with the sale of investment ideas to institutional and professional investors, carried out by each partner.
Since 2006, in collaboration with Banco BPM, we have been structuring and issuing certificates to serve retail, professional and institutional customers alike.
We design customised solutions for financial indexing of banking and insurance products.