Equity Capital Markets
Change of listing of ORSERO from AIM Italia to MTA, STAR Segment

Banca Akros acted as Sponsor
The following is a brief description of the listing of ORSERO from AIM Italia to MTA, STAR Segment of Borsa Italiana.
- ORSERO, a company established in Albenga (SV) in 1940, is a leader in Mediterranean Europe in the import and distribution of fruit and vegetables. The Group operates through a business model based on two closely integrated business units: (i) distribution of a wide range of fresh fruit and vegetables in the main markets of Southern Europe and (ii) importing of bananas and pineapples through 4 proprietary reefer ships that sail weekly on the Central America – Mediterranean Europe route. The company is present in 6 countries worldwide, distributes more than 300 fruit and vegetable products and employs around 1,600 people.
- In 2018, the ORSERO Group generated consolidated revenues of approximately €950 million, of which approximately €870 million in the distribution business unit, and achieved an adjusted EBITDA of approximately €33 million.
- The start of trading on MTA, STAR Segment, of the Borsa Italiana is scheduled for 23 December 2019, with simultaneous delisting from AIM Italia.
- On the AIM Italia market, since its listing in 2017, ORSERO was the largest company on the market by size in terms of consolidated turnover.
- Banca Akros acted as Sponsor.
- The transaction confirms Banca Akros’ role as a key player in the listing of mid-cap companies on the stock exchange.
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