Credimi SPA: the largest fintech securitisation ever carried out in Italy

Banca Akros acted as co-arranger.
Banca Akros Group Banco BPM has assisted Credimi, as Co-Arranger, in the expansion of the Perserveranza securitisation. The securitisation launched just under a year ago was extended by a further segment worth €150 million, bringing the total value of the transaction to €350 million. This makes it the largest fintech securitisation ever performed in Italy, and among the largest in Continental Europe. The transaction will help boost the recovery and the growth of small and medium sized Italian companies, which after the two years of the pandemic are trying to look to the future, despite the uncertain current outlook. This securitisation will allow SMEs to request multi-year loans, with a first year grace period and reimbursement starting in 2023. For this transaction, as with the previous one, Banco BPM acted as Senior Noteholder together with other institutional investors.
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