Nebula Aurea BidCo S.p.A. (White Bridge Investments III): Public Tender Offer on Reevo S.p.A.

Banca Akros assisted Nebula Aurea BidCo S.p.A. as Financial Advisor and Intermediary in Charge of Coordinating the Collection of Acceptances
The Voluntary Public Tender Offers promoted by Nebula Aurea BidCo, a vehicle controlled by the Private Equity fund White Bridge Investments III (the ”Offeror”), on maximum n. 4,950,128 shares (The “Offer on the Shares”) and maximum n. 4,593,830 warrants (the “Offer on the Warrants” and together with the Offer on the Shares, the “Offers”) issued by Reevo S.p.A. (the “Issuer”).
The Issuer provides, directly and indirectly through the other companies of the Group, services and consultancy on Cloud, Hybrid Cloud and Cybersecurity for the protection of company applications and data, mainly in favor of ICT market operators, which in turn integrate the services of the Reevo Group into IT solutions sold to companies and institutions.
On the basis of the final results communicated by Banca Akros S.p.A., as Intermediary in Charge of Coordinating the Collection of Acceptances, during the Offer Period ended on 28th July 2023, have been tendered:
(i) to the Offer on the Shares, a total of n. 4,894,752 shares, representing 96.368% of the Issuer’s share capital and 98.881% of the shares subject to the Offer on the Shares,
(ii) to the Offer on the Warrants, a total n. 4,409,280 warrants, representing 95.983% of the warrants issued and outstanding and subject to the Offer on the Warrants.
(i) considering the shares tendered in the Offer on the Shares, the Offeror will hold, at the payment date, including the n. 129,100 treasury shares (representing 2.54% of the Issuer’s share capital), a total of n. 5,023,825 shares, representing 98.910% of the Issuer’s share capital;
(ii) considering the warrant tendered in the Offer on the Warrants, the Offeror will hold, at the payment date, a total of n. 4,409,280 warrants, representing 95.983% of the warrants issued and outstanding.
Banca Akros assisted the Offeror as Financial Advisor and Intermediary in Charge of Coordinating the Collection of Acceptances.
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