Equity Capital Markets
F.I.L.A. Share Capital Increase

Banca Akros acted as Joint Bookrunner
The following is a brief description of the F.I.L.A. Share Capital Increase, which was successfully concluded for an amount of €100 million.
- I.L.A. (Fabbrica Italiana Lapis ed Affini) is one of Italy’s most robust industrial and commercial entities, active in producing articles for the visual and plastic arts, for creativity and for drawing. Its brands include Giotto, Tratto, Das, Didò and Pongo.
- The group, with a turnover of more than €510 million as at 31 December 2017, 22 main production plants and 35 commercial subsidiaries, has experienced significant growth over the last two decades and has pursued a series of strategic acquisitions, establishing itself as the icon of Italian creativity in the world.
- The Share Capital Increase, net of class B shares held by the shareholder Pencil, was fully guaranteed by a guarantee agreement set up by Mediobanca, Unicredit, Banca Akros, Banca IMI and BNP Paribas.
- The offer period began on 3 December 2018 and closed on 17 December 2018.
- During the offer period, 40,457,183 option rights were exercised in relation to 9,336,273 new shares, for a total amount of €97,844,141, corresponding to 97.88% of the Share Capital Increase.
- All remaining option rights were sold in the auction of non-exercised rights and were exercised in full.
- Banca Akros acted as Joint Bookrunner of the Share Capital Increase. This is the fourth capital increase transaction of 2018 in which Banca Akros acted as Global Coordinator or Bookrunner.
Investment Banking
Giuseppe Puccio
Equity Capital Markets
Massimo Turcato
Francesco Di Gregorio
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